A Smart Planner for a Smarter Day

In this post, you’ll learn:

🤖 What makes Trevor AI the smartest way to schedule your daily tasks

👏 How Trevor users achieve an industry-leading 85% average task completion rate

😌 How to tackle your tasks with supercharged focus, clarity and peace of mind

Let’s get started… 🤩

Trevor AI's planning interface, showing scheduling a task with drag & drop.

The To-do list vs the Calendar

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them” - David Allen

The productivity guru behind the “Getting Things Done” trend explains the importance of offloading information and tasks from your mind, onto the external world. Doing so free’s up mental energy that benefits your mind in various ways. In the past, the external world was your office “cubicle”. Today, it’s your digital environment 💻. Either way, the point is to stop remembering and to start writing.

What would be the optimal system for offloading the things you have to do? For some it’s a note-taking app , for others a to-do list. Essentially both are databases or backlogs of our tasks. They serve a purpose of storage, often allow us to organise, prioritise and track progress (completed, etc).

Task lists are great at what they do, but they have a huge flaw - they do not account for time ⏰ and like it or not, our world revolves around it (pun intended).

To-do list users account for at least half of my friends and altho that’s not a very scientific metric, I’m sure yours would follow the same pattern. That leaves the other half…

“Millionaires don’t use to-do lists” - Forbes.com

For those of you who live and work from their calendars, this will come as no surprise. After all, Tony Robbins has been preaching “If you schedule it, it’s real” for a while. We’ll go over the effectiveness of calendars and schedules down below, but before we do that, we must address its shortcomings.

Calendar entries (events), are always bound to a specific time, thus do not exist in permanent storage, as time doesn’t stop. Tasks in your to-do list will stay in your inbox until you complete, move or delete them. Calendar events, on the other hand just fade to history when not maintained. Furthermore, tracking progress by marking as complete still doesn’t exist as a feature in most calendar apps. Altho calendars are incredibly effective tools, they are very ineffective when you have tons of tasks to do, like most modern computer crunching hoomans.

Summary: While to-do lists act as storage but do not incite action, calendars are the opposite - they incite action but are not suitable for storage and progress tracking.

Which organisational system fits your life?

The Database or the Action Plan

Now that we know the core differences between both systems, let’s look at how each fits into your life 🌳

Say you were to try to organise your life only using a to-do list, you will most likely keep filling it up with tasks and lists until it gets scary big. In addition, you could struggle to take action, because it doesn’t incentivise any. Sooner or later you’d simply wish to start over again. After all, a to-do list is just storage and progress tracking. Furthermore, every time-sensitive agenda will probably still be on your calendar. Events and meetings benefit from timely alerts and reminders. In the end of the day, you’re juggling between 2 suboptimal systems that have been the status quo for quite a while.

If, on the other hand, you were to live off a daily schedule in your calendar, you will soon realise that things planned for hours away rarely go as planned. If you were to plan a week full ot tasks, because you have to store them somewhere other than in your mind, one unexpected change means you have to reschedule days worth of tasks. It’s just too big of a hassle. Scheduling meetings and events is fine, but the lack of ability to check something as complete makes the calendar unsuitable for scheduling tasks. Not only that, they would simply fade to history, whether you actually completed them or not. Few of us check our yesterday’s schedule to see if we missed something.

Summary: We need a unified system that accommodates our time sensitive agendas - meetings and events, as well as the non-time-sensitive tasks. We need a system that serves as permanent storage 📥, progress tracking ✅ and daily scheduling 📆. The simplest form would be a task list that lets you schedule tasks or a calendar that supports progress tracking and lets you postpone tasks into storage for later scheduling. Two perspective, same functionality - Daily planner app.

A daily planner app that bridges the gap between to-do lists and calendars

Trevor AI was born after years of struggling with the personal productivity challenges above. It is the bridge between two worlds and once you try it, there’s not going back. A unified system that servers as a 2-way, realtime sync between a to-do list and a calendar that lets you:

  • 🗂 Organise your tasks and write notes
  • ⏱ Schedule tasks in your calendar
  • ✅ Track each task’s progress
  • 📥 Reschedule overdue tasks or unschedule them back to your task inbox
Time blocking demo

Requirements: Mobile or desktop device with a modern browser and a Google calendar account

The concept of scheduling tasks in your calendar is also known as Time Blocking. Essentially you’re dedicating a specific time slot for the execution of a certain task. This process has incredible mental benefits which we’ll get into below.

Here’s how a time blocking app like Trevor AI works

  1. Sign up with your Google Calendar account or Outlook/Office 365 account. Trevor will create a new “Trevor AI” calendar, which will hold all scheduled tasks. This calendar will sync with all devices you have Google/Microsoft calendar enabled. You will also be able to show and hide your other calendars within Trevor’s interface.
  2. Either add your tasks or integrate with Todoist. Trevor supports most to-do features, such as lists, notes, sharing, assigning, etc
  3. Drag & drop a task from your task inbox into your schedule. Alternatively you can create tasks by clicking on a time slot or choosing one of Trevor’s smart scheduling suggestions. Daily planning takes literally seconds, as you’re arranging blocks in your timeline.
  4. Mark as complete once you’re done. If you’re not, you can reschedule, unschedule or mark tasks as unfinished, which will save the calendar event and let you schedule the task again.

With a unified schedule planner app, you have a clear overview of everything you need to get done, organised to your liking, but crucially you can schedule only your priorities a day/week/month in advance, giving you ultimate flexibility both for short and long-term planning. I personally get the best results by using Trevor as a daily planner. Beginning of each day, I drag and drop important tasks into my schedule, which takes seconds and forces me to prioritise my tasks and plan my time realistically. That’s when the mental benefits of this productivity approach kick in.

Summary: Drag&drop tasks from to-do list into your calendar to build a realistic daily schedule in seconds.

Priming your mind for action

Perhaps many of you have noticed that something magical happens when you schedule something in your calendar by yourself. It’s like sending an instruction to your brain that X needs to get done from Y to Z o’clock. You prime your mind for action. Somehow your brain figures out a way to complete the task exactly within it’s time parameters. You have to try it to believe it.

Now imagine doing that for each task, every day. Your productivity will sky-rocket! Obviously you need to leave time for breaks every hour or so, else you’ll reach a diminishing return on your focus. If you’re inexperienced, start by setting 1-2 hour time blocks with 15-30 mins of rest in between.

Free up Mental space

Everything you have to do long-term is neatly organised in your task list - not occupying your mind. When you try to remember something important, it keeps coming back to you over and over, interrupting everything you do. Writing it down sets your mind free to focus on the task at hand. Working with clarity, will dramatically impact your productivity.

Prioritising, for a realistic schedule

Each of us has 24 hours in a day, yet some seem to achieve the impossible. Take Elon Musk’s recent climb to the #1 richest man alive and a known user of time blocking. Altho being rich is far from his ambitions, the way he priorities what do in his 24h and the way he leverages the 24 hours of his team members has paid serious dividends. With a smart planner you can take a look at the overview of tasks and quickly schedule the most important ones which contribute to your goals. Planning your time doesn’t get more realistic than balancing your 24h each day. Emphasis on balance - time blocking is great way to visually schedule time for rest (15-30 min), in between your deep work sessions (1-2hrs). Scheduling 16 hours worth of tasks will not be effective. Try to complete ~4-6h of meaningful, focused work each day. Anything above that will probably lead to a burnout. Fill the gaps with performance boosters: Sleep, rest, nutrition, exercise, meditation, socialising, etc.

Staying up to date

As your Trevor AI schedule is synced in real-time with your Google Calendar, you will always be up-to-date through your day, on both mobile and desktop devices.

85% Completion rate

Did you know that 41% of tasks in to-do lists are never completed 🙈? Based on our latest anonymous data, Trevor AI users achieve an average 85% completion rate. That's more than twice as effective. 📈

Ambitious Humans

Ambitious humans consistently strive for success, attainment, and accomplishment, focusing on developing skills and competence to solve complex problems that make the world a better place. You are likely no exception; You likely embody the ambitious human spirit with your dedication and extra effort. However, the complexity that comes with increased effort often requires a management system to match. This is where Trevor AI comes in, offering a daily planning app designed to you regain control, clarity and focus throughout your day. It all starts with a Smart Planner for a smarter day.

Available on Web for mobile and desktop.
Free for personal use. Pro plans available.
Your data is Private and Secure.

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